Directed by Masoud Abparvar, the new show will hit the air at 22:00 GMT every evening starting from May 05. Each episode of the series will repeat three times the next day at 04:00, 10:00 and 16:00 all GMT times.
“Elham Pouya is a consultant for the police force. Her job is stressful, demanding and sometimes dangerous but she loves it. It gives her a window into the lives of others and allows her to help people overcome their hardships”, reads a brief synopsis of the flick.
The cast list of ‘Scar’ includes Jamshid Jahanzadeh, Homayoun Ershadi, Faqiheh Soltani, Borzou Arjmand, Leila Otadi, Mehrdad Ziaee, Amir-Reza Delavari, Amir Nouri and Mohammad Sadeqi.
The new cop series will be replacing ‘The Wall’ directed by Sirous Moqaddam.